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The results suggested that the keto diet may help lower inflammation and improve metabolism, as well as reduce the risk of diabetes. Their findings suggested that the keto diet has potential anti-inflammatory effects on the gut microbiome - in both humans and mice. But a traditional G6 Keto Gummies diet may be beneficial to the gut microbiome in some ways, according to a recent small study published the May 2020 issue of Cell. Another reason to reconsider a meat-heavy keto approach is the impact it may have on the microbiome. However, these potential benefits were only present in the mice for a short period, according to researchers, which suggests that following the keto diet over limited periods of time may be necessary to reap such benefits from it. If you’re following the Keto or Low-Carb plan, you will also need to watch your macronutrient intake. This function is an asset when food is scarce, but an abundance of sugar-filled and high-carbohydrate foods will promote the accumulation of body fat. A single serving of these foods contains less than 1 net carb. While plants high in fiber, prebiotics and probiotics can help good bacteria flourish, red meat, fried foods and high-fat dairy may quickly increase the bad bacteria.
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